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The Squamous Labyrinth of Peril

A dungeon adventure area for an average sized party of level 1 characters.



Brought to you by Dizzy Dragon's Geomorphic Dungeon Adventure Generator





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Regenerate using the same settings but a different random seed:


Generate a new random dungeon, using default values:


Advanced generation options, if you want to tweak things:

Dressing generation algorithm:
Encounter generation algorithm:
Map generation algorithm:
Random seed [0-2147483647, default random]:
Width (feet) [0-2000, default 300]:
Height (feet) [0-2000, default 300]:
Party Level [(totalLevels/numChars)*4, default 1]:


1There is a putrid smell coming from something nearby. There is a bent copper coin lying here.

Encounter: Beetles, Fire (8)
Treasure: None.
2The air here is very hot. There are cracks in the ceiling here.

3This area is covered in cobwebs.

Treasure: 300sp, 10gp.

Treasure: 100sp, 20gp.
Trap: Spray: Unknown liquid that attracts Wandering Monsters; double chances for 1d6 hours.
5This area has a stale, fetid smell. It is foggy here, making it difficult to see. There is a pile of dung here.

Encounter: Stirges (9)
Treasure: None.

7This area has a pleasant, earthy smell.

Encounter: Green Slimes (2)
Treasure: As per monster type.
8A cold air current blows through this area. This area smells faintly of manure. There is a broken pole here.

Encounter: Skeletons (6)
Treasure: As per monster type.
9The air here smells of smoke. A haze of dust hangs in the air. This area is covered in cobwebs.

Encounter: Gnomes (1)
Treasure: None.
10It is foggy here, making it difficult to see.

11There is a trickle of water here.

Trap: Pendulum blade from ceiling: 1d8 points of damage.
12A haze of smoke hangs in the air.

Encounter: Killer Bees (8)
Treasure: As per monster type.
13A slight breeze blows through this area. This area has a stale, fetid smell.

14A strong, moaning wind blows through this area. This area has a stale, fetid smell. It is foggy here, making it difficult to see. There are wax drippings here.

Encounter: Skeletons (6)
Treasure: As per monster type.

Encounter: Lizards, Gecko (3)
Treasure: None.
16The air here is very cold. It is misty here. There is a pile of dung here.

Trap: 10' Pit: 1d6 points of damage if you fall in.
17It is misty here. This area is covered in cobwebs.



Encounter: Sprites (15)
Treasure: None.
20An acrid smell assails your nostrils. It is foggy here, making it difficult to see. There are rotting wood pieces here.

21This area has a pleasant, earthy smell. This area is covered in cobwebs.


Trap: Ceiling Block falls: Save vs. turn to Stone or take 1d10 points of damage.

Encounter: Beetles, Fire (2)
Treasure: None.
24There is a cracked flask here.

25This area smells of rotting vegetation. There is a pick handle here.

26This area is very dusty.

27A haze of dust hangs in the air. There is a mold growing here.

Encounter: Green Slimes (1)
Treasure: None.
28There is a broken arrow here.

29A gusting breeze blows through this area. This area is very dusty.

30The air here smells of smoke. The wall here is damp.


Encounter: Gnomes (6)
Treasure: As per monster type.

33A slight breeze blows through this area. This area has a pleasant, earthy smell.

Encounter: Sprites (12)
Treasure: As per monster type.
34A haze of smoke hangs in the air.

Trap: Ceiling Block falls: Save vs. turn to Stone or take 1d10 points of damage.

Trap: Pendulum blade from ceiling: 1d8 points of damage.
36The air here is very hot. A haze of smoke hangs in the air.

Treasure: 600sp.

38A strong wind blows through this area.

Encounter: Green Slimes (3)
Treasure: As per monster type.
39This area has a pleasant, earthy smell. There is water dripping here.

Treasure: 300sp.
Trap: Illusion of monsters: Gnomes (2)

Trap: Poison gas: Save vs. Poison or die.
41There is a putrid smell coming from something nearby. There is a pile of straw here.

42The air here is very cold.

Treasure: 500sp.
43The ceiling here is damp.

44This area smells faintly of manure.

Encounter: Acolytes (3)
Treasure: As per monster type.

46This area has a stale, fetid smell. This area is covered in rubble and dirt.

47This area has a pleasant, earthy smell.


Trap: Poison gas: Save vs. Poison or die.
49The air here is very cold. There are bones scattered here.

Encounter: Sprites (8)
Treasure: None.

adventuregenerator/gen.1698788908.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/31 14:48 by lee