Str: | 11 |
Int: | 11 |
Wis: | 11 |
Dex: | 6 (-1) |
Con: | 9 |
Cha: | 13 (+1) |
Pet/Par: | 8+ |
Poi/Dth: | 5+ |
Bst/Bth: | 12+ |
Sta/Wan: | 8+ |
Spells: | 11+ |
Attack: | 10+ |
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Goblin, Gnome, Kobold |
+1 to surprise rolls when underground |
Detect traps, false walls, hidden construction, sloped passages (14+, active) |
Hear noise (14+) |
Weapons: club, dagger, staff, sling |
Armor: leather |
Attention to Details (+3 to proficiency throws) |
Master Armorsmith (as craft 3) (earn 40gp/mo) |
Dwarven Throat Singing (+2 to invocations, earn 10gp/mo performing) |
Fiery Cauterization (heal 8pt 2/dy) |
Fiery Resistance (immune to normal flames, +2 save/-1 dmg per die on magical flames) |
Fiery Torch (Talisman +1) |
Gnostic Magic (2nd Lvl) |
Trinkets of Power |
Invocations (Maker's Fire)
Level | |
1 | The furnacewife summons forth a blast of flame from an existing fire. To use the invocation, the furnacewife must draw on an existing fire at least the size of a torch. The chosen flame may be anywhere within 150’ of the caster. A torch flame used to power this spell is extinguished; a larger fire is reduced proportionately. The summoned flame rushes to any point within 150’ of the furnacewife that she chooses. There it explodes in a 10’ diameter sphere. Any unattended flammable objects in the area of effect are set aflame. Any creatures in the area of effect must make a saving throw vs. Blast. If a creature’s save fails, the flame deals it 1d6 damage per level of the furnacewife (to a maximum of 3d6 damage) and sets aflame any readily flammable garments or body parts (such as hair) on the creature. If a creature’s save succeeds, it suffers only half damage and avoids being set aflame. |
2 | Instead of creating a blast of flame, the furnacewife may instead amplify and shape the flame into a wall, 1” thick. The source of flame must be within the furnacewife’s reach, and the wall of flame must extend outward from the source of flame. The wall may have a surface area of up to 1,000 square feet and may be shaped in any way the furnacewife desires. The wall of flame is impermeable to vision and light. Creatures of less than 4 HD cannot pass through the wall of flame. It may be invoked where objects and creatures already are. Creatures inside it when it is summoned, or who pass through it later, suffer 2d6 points of fire damage. The wall of flame deals double damage to undead, or to cold-using creatures or creatures who are accustomed to cold. The fires rage for 1 turn before going out. |
Adventuring |
Performance (+1 Throat Singing, factored in above) |
Lay on Hands (+1 Fiery Cauterization, factored in above) |
Total Weight Carried: | 6 |
Total Weight on Horse/at Camp: | 0 |
Movement Rates: |
up to 5: 120/40 | up to 7: 90/30 | up to 10: 60/20 | up to max: 30/10 | |
Item | Weight |
Sling (28 bullets) (d4) 45/90/180 | 1/6 |
Torch (d4) | (in backpack) |
Total: | 1/6 |
Item | Weight |
Backpack (4st) | 0 |
Leather Armor (AC2) | 2 |
Winter Cloak | |
Total: | 2 |
In Backpack
Item | Weight |
Waterskin | 1/6 |
Torches (12) | 2/6 |
Gnostic Implements (L2) | 1 |
Rechargable Trinket (L1) (11) | 10/6 |
Disposable Trinket (L2) (3) | 3/6 |
Total: | 3 5/6 |
Item | Weight |
2224 gp | |
7 sp | |
Mule (x2) | |
Cart, Small | |
Total: | 0 |
In Cart / On Mule (or Generally Left At Camp)
Item | Weight |
Blanket, Wool, Thick | 1/6 |
Rations, iron, best quality (21dy) | 4/6 |
Total: | 5/6 |