
« Characters

Agnar Redhelm (L4 Dwarven Craftpriest) (3/11, Keltoi Fogou Encampment)

Class: Dwarven Craftpriest
Alignment: Lawful
Level: 4
XP: 12520 (3100 banked)
Next Level: 19200
HP: 13
AC: 7


Cauliflower ear and minor scarring after being grievously wounded by an ogre in the Dwarven Hold on 24/02/22.


Str: 16 (+2)
Int: 14 (+1)
Wis: 11
Dex: 11
Con: 10
Cha: 10
Pet/Par: 8+
Poi/Dth: 5+
Bst/Bth: 12+
Sta/Wan: 8+
Spells: 11+
Attack: +1


Weapons: battle axe, club, great axe, hand axe, flail, mace, morning star, war hammer
Armor: All, Shield
Attention to Detail (+3 to proficiency throws)
Craft: Armor (x3)
Divine Spellcasting
Theology (x1)
Turn Undead
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Goblin, Gnome, Kobold
Hardy (already factored into saving throws)
+1 to surprise rolls when underground
Find traps, false walls, hidden construction, sloped passages (14+)

Spells (Divine)

Level Spells/Day Spells Known
1 2 Angelic Choir, Cause/Remove Fear
2 2 Beguile Humanoid


Lay on Hands (8pt 2/dy)
Healing (x2)



Total Weight Carried: 8
Total Weight on Horse/at Camp: 0
Movement Rates:
up to 5: 120/40 up to 7: 90/30 up to 10: 60/20 up to max: 30/10


Item Weight
Hand Axe (d6) 10/20/30 1/6
Hand Axe (d6) 10/20/30 1/6
Total: 2/6


Item Weight
Holy Symbol
Backpack (4st) 0
Plate 6
Shield 1
Winter Cloak 0
Total: 7

In Backpack

Item Weight
Waterskin 1/6
Rations, iron (7dy) 1/6
Torch (6) 1/6
Tinderbox 1/6
Spellbook 1/6
Total: 4/6


Item Weight
4678 gp
10 sp
Total: 0

On Horse (or Generally Left At Camp)

Item Weight
Saddle and Tack, Riding
Saddlebags x2 (6st)
Rations, iron (8dy) 2/6
Total: 0

In Saddlebags

Item Weight
Total: 0
brythonnia/characters/agnar.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/07 20:21 by lee