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adventuregenerator:start [2012/09/12 14:51] leafadventuregenerator:start [2023/10/31 14:46] (current) lee
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 +====== Adventure Generator ======
 +//This is a (hopefully) stable snapshot of the map generator, and should not be too terribly buggy.//
 +You can also try out the [[Bleeding Edge]] version of the generator. It probably has cooler features, but may be broken from time to time as I am coding on it. 
 +===== Le Note! =====
 +**I just want to make it clear that all of the graphics used in this generator were originally created by [[|Dyson Logos]].**  He deserves tons more credit than I can claim for any of this, because hacking php is easy, but being creative is hard. :3  He has a ton of really awesome stuff on his [[|website]], stuff that is far better than the meager hackery I've done!
 +====== News ======
 +  * Now with support for Moldvay/Cook B/X encounters, from levels 1-8.
 +  * The Test Harness / Dev Kit for building your own generators is ready.
 +  * The width/height and bounds checking bugs have been fixed and the generator has been updated.
 +====== Tips ======
 +  * If you want to avoid the adsense spam when printing, go into print setup and tell your computer not to print page 1.
 +  * If your map is too big to print, see [[|this post]]. We're going to add an option to get a more printer friendly dungeon at some point, but it's not at the top of the priority list right now. ;<
 +====== Generate an Adventure! ======
 +$cwd = getcwd();
 +chdir( "AdventureGenerator/stable" );
 +include_once( "" );
 +$g = new GeneratorControls();
 +echo $g->outputControls( "" );
 +chdir( $cwd );
 +====== Bugs/Issues ======
 +  * When printing, location keys get cut between pages. I've tried a bunch of CSS "page-break-inside: avoid;" stuff everywhere to no avail... If anyone can tell me how to fix this, that'd be massively cool.
 +  * Settings do not save between sessions.
 +  * Duplex setting has no effect.
 +  * Notespace setting has no effect
 +  * 5' grid setting has no effect.
 +====== Submit a Bug Report or Comment ======
 +Feel free to use the discussion area at the bottom of the page to report any bugs or suggest any ideas!
 +Note: Due to a high incidence of spambots and other oddball internet people causing much time to be lost with discussion moderation, discussion has been disabled for the moment.  We may reenable it for registered users at some point, but for now you'll just have to send an [[|email]].  Sorry!
 +====== Want to Help? ======
 +Go to [[Test Harness]], and you can develop your own generator modules and submit them back here for inclusion!
 +====== Downloads ======
 +  * [[|Geomorph Graphics Archive]]. Includes both Dyson's originals and the SVG conversion by Leaf.
 +====== Using the Dungeons ======
 +These dungeons are best enjoyed with an old school RPG of some kind. (We like B/X best!)
 +  * [[|Labyrinth Lord]] (B/X-like OGL)
 +  * [[|TSR's B/X D&D]] (on ebay; you probably want to look for the "Rules Cyclopedia" if you want everything in one book)
 +  * [[|Swords and Wizardry]] (1974 OD&D-like OGL)
 +  * [[|Hackmaster and Hackmaster Lite]] (1e-like commercial/satire)
 +  * [[|OSRIC]] (1e-like OGL)
 +  * [[|TSR's 1st Edition AD&D]] (on ebay; you need a Player's Handbook, Dungeonmaster's Guide, Monster Manual I and II)
 +====== Special Thanks ======
 +Special thanks to those of you who have made monetary contributions.  I was going to list names here, but then I figured y'all might want to remain anonymous. ;P  Let me know if there's any particular direction you'd like to see the site take!
 +====== Credits ======
 +  * Geomorphs originally created by [[|Dyson Logos]], converted to SVG by [[|Leaf]].
 +  * Unless otherwise noted, generator code by [[|Leaf]].
 +  * Adventure site name generator based on [[|this one]].