Old Projects (That I Will Never Finish)

Adventure Generator - A geomorphic dungeon generator and the beginnings of a 1e wilderness generator. I'll never finish this, at least not in PHP.

B/X D&D Character Generator - A hack of LLCharGen to produce B/X characters. I play BtW/TSL and ACKS now, so……

Deconstructing B/X D&D - Some analysis of now B/X D&D works, with tasty gnuplot graphs, lel.

Old Campaigns & Such

Brythonnia Borderlands - An ACKS open-table 1:1-time game I was playing in. It is on hiatus for now.

ACKS Wilderlands - Wilderlands of High Fantasy using ACKS 2e over Discord/Owlbear. Hosted by yours truly.